
Today, we talked about Christmas. 今日は、クリスマスについて話しました My teacher asked me, “Do you have a plan …»
more »Today, we talked about Christmas. 今日は、クリスマスについて話しました My teacher asked me, “Do you have a plan …»
more »Today, we talked about tips. 今日は、チップについて話しました My teacher asked me, “Customers give you tips right?” …»
more »Today, we talked about pizza. 今日は、ピザについて話しました。 My teacher asked me, “Do you like pizza? What t…»
more »today, we talked about moles. 今日は、ホクロについて話しました。 I said, “I went to hospital yesterday. And the…»
more »Today, we talked about pearls. 今日は、真珠について話しました。 my teacher asked me, “You are busy everyday. A…»
more »Today,we talked about ‘money changing’. 今日は両替の話をしました My teacher asked me, “Is there money exch…»
more »My teacher asked me, “How much is the starting payment for taxi? We called flagdown rate.” 「タクシーは初乗り…»
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